Representing Colorado's Forth Congressional District
One of the things Congresswoman Betsy Markey is focused on is “creating a lasting energy plan for our country”, therefore, she met with Sheri Mattei of Solargon to talk about this extremely energy efficient green building, Solargon.
One of the many applications for the Solargon is emergency housing.
A Solargon building assembles in 4 hours to 3 days depending on the model; therefore this building is perfect for relief in Haiti and the many people that are still in need of permanent housing in the wake of Katrina.
Congresswoman Betsy Markey was happy to hear about how very strong Solargons are and their incredible energy efficient off the grid capability, which allows for low energy consumption after one moves into the building. Solargon; "Making larger strides, leaving smaller footprints."
Sheri Mattei enjoyed and appreciated meeting with Congresswomen Betsy Markey